Wealth Management

Wealth Management Services
Overview: Matrix Complete Wealth Management (MCWM) is a comprehensive approach to investing and growing total wealth over time, using a broadly diversified portfolio composed of both Matrix-managed strategies and those from selected external managers, chosen from a broad array of available mutual funds and ETF options.
Goal Setting: A careful evaluation of current resources and future expenditures is the foundation of a long-term financial and investment plan. This requires a thorough assessment of a client’s assets, liabilities, spending proclivities, and risk tolerance, together with thoughtful projections of future potential financial environments. With this data, a comprehensive investment management program can then be created iteratively in conjunction with the client.
Design Approach: Matrix uses a two-level framework to implement the investment plan, based on a client’s individual objectives. First is an overall allocation between equity and fixed income asset classes. Second is an assignment of risk within these categories, from aggressive through conservative. We start by selecting between active and pass management, utilizing specific Matrix-researched ETFs, mutual funds, and/or managed portfolios, as appropriate. Each investment vehicle chosen performs a particular role within an asset class and the overall portfolio, attempting to build a favorable mix of performance, risk, and cost.
Oversight: The Matrix investment team continuously reviews the performance of and the outlook for the investment options used in each segment of the investment program and the relevance to clients’ objectives. Asset class allocations and specific positions may be adjusted over time, due to changes in the external environment, client suitability, or the particular investment vehicles used.
Implementation: We can implement MCWM to allow for varying degrees of customization and flexibility, with a fee structure that reflects the amount of complexity and tailoring desired by the client. The investment vehicles used may differ, but portfolios are managed with the same disciplined oversight and use the same allocation principles.
Get In Touch Today
10 Bank Street Suite 590
White Plains, New York 10606
Getting Started
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